You made it to Week 3, Trailblazer!

You’ve Mobilized and Maximized so far this month…now let’s Minimize!

We’ll make an educated guess that you probably don’t have a domestic servant enslaved in your home, or regularly hit the streets to buy sex. However, you might unknowingly be adding to demand in other ways. Trailblazer, it’s time to think of your part in ending demand.

If you've been reading the 31 Human Trafficking Facts, you know how large and overwhelming the issue of human trafficking is. But one of the best parts of the Blackout Trafficking Challenge is that it helps normal, everyday people like us do something about an issue as big and intimidating as human trafficking.

Part of this begins with us. It might be surprising, but the truth is that human trafficking exists because of the normal, ordinary people who fuel it. Oppression exists because everyday people don't stand against injustice—which we are starting to do through this challenge. But, it also true that it is us, everyday, average people who are creating the demand for modern slaves and exploitation.

This week we challenge you to look at what it means for you to "minimize" your part in demand. We ask you to:

  • Reread your "why" from week one to keep your eyes on the goal 

  • Make sure that you’ve donated $10 of your own to one of the Blackout Trafficking partners this year!

  • Challenge yourself to choose one of the areas below where you can practice minimizing the demand the fuels human trafficking

Trailblaze freedom by Minimizing the demand of human exploitation

As we advocate against human trafficking, we want to explore all the ways in which we might be contributing to the issue as well. This is why this week we challenge you to look at your own life and see if you can be part of minimizing the demand.